Event Risk Assessment

This Event Risk Assessment Plan is designed to help you identify and measure the risks associated with a planned event.  We recommend that you complete this assessment for any activity that occurs outside of regularly scheduled activities or when planning activities out of the ordinary. A regularly scheduled activity such as class time, indoor small group games and activities, craft time do not require a Risk Assessment Plan, unless it involves heightened risk, a change in location (including off-campus) or something out of the normally expected plan.


This guide will help you determine what risks may be associated with the activity you are planning. We recommend you fill out and submit this form to your supervisor at least 2-3 weeks prior to the date of the activity. If you responded by answering YES to any of these questions, we encourage you to submit a proposed plan to your supervisor outlining the added precautions that will be taken i.e. licensed instructor, modified activities, etc. Responding “yes” to any of the following does not mean that you should not do the activity but rather we would recommend you review what potential risks there might be and consider how to mitigate, reduce, share, or avoid the risks.

Rate each question with a number 1-4, 1 is low (not likely or no), 4 is (very likely or yes)

To receive your score, a written summary report of the results will be emailed to you. Please provide your name and email.