Track performance and generate reports in your LMS
Get the most out of your data with our advanced reporting! Visual and complete. Analyze how individuals or groups score. This data helps you to support them with the right knowledge.

Gain insights per Course and Exam
Stay on top of your participant's progress and activities by analyzing individual Courses or Exams. You can easily see their:
- results (passed vs. failed)
- progress (completed vs. in progress)
- status (received certificate yes vs. no)
- outcome per category (for example junior, mid-level, senior)
Also, our filter options make your analysis a breeze. Export this data to an Excel file that contains extra information so you can really crunch the numbers!
Our Exams have more visual options. There is a global graph that combines all sessions for on-the-spot insights. You can also view a graph that summarizes how many times each answer choice was selected per question.

View results per group in the Academy
The Academy differs from the others by offering group results. Would you like to see how your IT or HR department scored on an Exam? Just go to a group and get an immediate overview! Select the results for a specific use case with our filters or export all their results to an Excel file.
The progress report per group quickly shows which employees haven’t completed their Course or Exam (yet). This feature enables you to send reminders when they need it!

Analyze all participant sessions from one place
Work from one global overview that contains all the data you need. Sessions can be filtered as you like. This view makes it easy to see how individuals move through your training program and how they did on Courses in general. Export your data in an Excel file and use it for your own records. Also, very useful to show it to compliance officers.