Online exam builder: easy and intuitive
Build Exams to put your employees' new skills to the test and measure their progress.

Create challenging Exams and grant certificates
Add multiple choice, fill in the blank, image, essay, video, and audio questions. All questions in your question bank can be randomized. For Exams that cover multiple topics, you can categorize questions by topic and then randomize them by category. If your employees pass the Exam, they can receive certificates to show what they know.
Behavioral settings determine whether your Exam works as a rigorous test or as a learning tool. Choose to provide written feedback that explains the answers so that your employees learn on the side. Some popular settings for standardizing Exams include preventing skipping questions, limiting attempts, and limiting time. You're in control!

Share your Exam and send invites
Restrict your Exam to a specific group of participants. Just give us their names and email addresses, and we'll generate and send their login credentials! Or, make it open with a public URL or post it on your website.
Exams can also be added to and shared through Courses or the Academy. Participants can take different Exams in a row from one Course. In the Academy, you can store all the Exams and Courses in one place. With one set of credentials, they have access to everything!

Analyze and gain insights about knowledge gaps
The Exam results include an overview of each session. Filter the data as you wish and export the results to an Excel file. These exports contain all the important details. Or use webhooks to send the results to your other software tools.
The results also include global graphs that summarize all sessions for on-the-spot insights. View all complete, incomplete, passed, and failed sessions. Or identify knowledge gaps with combined results per question and category.
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