See if you can complete the quiz in under 300 seconds. Your score is calculated from a combination of speed and accuracy. No need to create an account to take the quiz.
Latitude, Longitude and Geospatial Data - Map my Waahi, Lower Hutt
Position | Participant | ||
1 | Stu pendo | 7,145 | |
2 | Ahmedthechampion | 7,139 | |
3 | yooooo | 7,126 | |
4 | Mapman | 7,067 | |
5 | jack and toby | 7,028 | |
6 | HalfOfTheCockroaches | 7,024 | |
7 | MaccyZandBstfrd | 7,023 | |
8 | chicken nugget | 7,016 | |
9 | no name | 7,008 | |
10 | bobbyros | 6,998 |