Learning/training center
Welcome to our learning/training center! Read insightful articles about the basics of learning. What is the definition of learning? What conditions make an enjoyable learning experience? How much influence do you have as an instructor? Read, learn, and use the tips and tricks provided!
What is learning? From theory to practice
Learning is a part of our lives. Every day we acquire new knowledge, skills, understanding, values, and preferences. It can happen implicitly and repeatedly, for example, while watching the news or talking with a colleague. But we also consciously choose to learn new things, like a new language, sport, or software program. Learning is an elusive thing. Why are some people good at it and others not? And why do we all have our learning preferences? Let's dive into the theory of learning so that you can bring your training to the next level!
Synchronous vs. asynchronous learning
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by new learning technologies in our digital era. But they all have one thing in common; they support asynchronous learning. Wait, what is asynchronous learning? And how does it compare to synchronous learning? Discover how your clients can combine in-person training with online learning by understanding these concepts.
What is gamified learning?
Gamified learning integrates game mechanics into the process of learning. Examples of game mechanics are (high) scores, levels, achievements, immediate feedback loops and time pressure. These elements are what makes a game a game, and if applied correctly they make it fun to play the game. Our current technology enables educators to implement game dyanmics in their work. For example creating a history battle between students or a training quiz for professionals.
What is self-paced learning?
What do you prefer: learning at your own pace or a pace that someone sets for you? We guess your choice wasn’t difficult. That’s probably why self-paced online training is booming. But how can you apply it to your organization? We share our tips and tricks, and give you the definition of this concept.
Instructor-led vs self-paced learning
Given the choice, would you prefer to learn at your own pace or follow the pace set by an instructor?
Many people might quickly choose the freedom of self-paced learning. But if you’re used to managing teams, companies, or training programs, the decision isn’t so simple …
Balancing employee needs with organizational goals is crucial. So, how do instructor-led and self-paced learning compare? Which is more effective? Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of each.
What are flipped classrooms
What are flipped classrooms? In the traditional model the teacher stands between the students and the knowledge. With the flipped classroom, students have direct access to the knowledge and the teacher serves as a coach and mentor. With the flipped classroom model, students have to prepare their contact moments. During contact moments teachers are able to zoom in on the application and deeper processing of the learning material. Now you know the definition and meaning of flipped classrooms, let's take a look why you should flip the classroom.
Flipped learning: the advantages and disadvantages
Your employees’ time and motivation can be big roadblocks to a successful employee training program, but a new approach called flipped learning can help overcome these challenges. Although it had its start in education, the flexible, learner-centered, and personalized nature of flipped learning can save your employees time and get them more engaged. Let’s explore how flipped learning can aid employee training.
Flipped classroom vs traditional classroom
A 180 degree shift in education. But what does that say? This article will describe the meaning of the flipped classroom and traditional education. At the end, it gives a conclusion of the differences :-)
Flipped classroom vs blended learning
What's the difference between blended learning and flipped classrooms? Are there any differences? You will find out in this article. :-)
How to create a continuous learning environment
We should strive to be lifelong learners. A continuous learning environment at work supports an open mindset and makes personal growth a priority. Learning can be at the heart of your organizational culture, with a strategy in place to constantly improve. Incorporate an LMS into the fabric of your organization and watch it take you to great heights!
3 strategies to leverage your training success
Never ending to-do lists, endless administration, wanting to do more than you can handle, and unavoidable external distractions such as social media, phone, and email. These are the ingredients for a frustrating workday. In plain terms, everyone wants nothing more than to achieve as much work success as possible without exerting too much effort. Is this impossible? Definitely not! This article presents three techniques you can use as a trainer to make your day successful. Go home with a smile instead of an overwhelmed mind!
5 time-saving tips for trainers
Your training time is valuable. You need to work efficiently to achieve the best results for you and your clients. That can be difficult to do, especially with all the distractions we face on a daily basis. From smartphone notifications to unnecessary meetings, we are constantly being interrupted. Follow our five handy tips to maximize your time and achieve training excellence.
Fostering a continuous learning culture: 7 best practices
As a trainer, you know better than anyone how important it is to keep developing yourself professionally. Many companies promote various training opportunities, but the reality is often more challenging. Learning tends to be ad hoc rather than an integral part of the culture, although a continuous learning culture is essential in a modern organization. This article will guide you through the world of continuous learning: what it is, its benefits, best practices, and how you, as a trainer, can help! Read on!
Fostering a learning culture in your company: 6 strategies and tips
Make your company future-proof by cultivating a strong learning culture that inspires and engages your employees.
In this article, you’ll learn how to establish a forward-thinking learning culture in your organization. Traditional learning methods are no longer enough to stay competitive and retain employees.
With practical tips and inspiring examples, we’ll show you how to effectively integrate continuous learning into everyday work. This way, not only will your employees grow, but your company will, too. A win-win!
Self-directed learning: methods, examples and tips
Self-directed learning is a flexible approach that allows you to actively manage your own learning process. This means you choose your goals and methods that best suit your individual needs.
This approach enables learners to learn more effectively and efficiently. It also helps them unlock their full potential and continuously achieve better results, all while keeping the joy of learning alive!