Microlearning for sales: why you need it and how to use it

Microlearning is often lauded as the future of learning. Online learning technologies make it possible for learning processes to be broken into small bite-sized chunks. This approach can be a gamechanger in our modern, fast-paced world. The results speak for themselves.

While microlearning isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to education, it shines in some contexts like sales training and other on-the-job skillsets. There is a growing interest in microlearning from coaches and trainers in the sales industry.

Let’s unpack how microlearning for sales can change sales teams for the better.

Content Manager & HR Officer
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Table of contents

  1. What is microlearning? 
  2. Why use microlearning in sales training? 
  3. How microlearning can help sales? 
  4. How do you apply microlearning in sales training? 
  5. Start making microlearning content for your sales teams 

What is microlearning?

Microlearning is generally the best option for fast, simple training

Microlearning delivers learning material in small, bite-sized pieces, such as short interactive modules or training videos, rather than long-form content like lectures and exams. It aligns with trends in digital experiences that favor fast and simple content consumption.

Microlearning has shown impressive results in certain contexts, including higher education, with studies indicating retention rate improvements ranging from 20% to 80%. While it has its pros and cons, microlearning is generally the best option for fast, simple training.

This approach is particularly effective in industries where time is critical, as we tend to learn better in short bursts and retain more through repetition. Studies highlight that microlearning not only improves retention rates but also enhances learner satisfaction and outcomes. For example, one study across three universities noted significant improvements in both learning outcomes and participant reactions.

Why use microlearning in sales training?

Microlearning is a perfect fit for sales training thanks to the unique problems facing modern sales teams. The unique benefits microlearning offers help fit on-the-job training into the complex and busy salesperson’s work day.

Studies show that sales teams often operate in a state of managed chaos, with over half of sales professionals lacking basic skills and many unable to fully utilize their abilities.

Sales is a ‘strange’ profession when compared to many others. What sets it apart is that there is no level of academic attainment that can transform you into the best salesperson. Knowledge of what you’re selling helps a lot, but a lot of successful sales is about soft skills learnt on the job.

This has led to a situation where most sales professionals are just getting by, rather than excelling. With the growing talent shortage in the sales industry, employers need proven strategies to address these challenges effectively.

How microlearning can help sales

The rise of microlearning is driven by shorter attention spans, frequent work interruptions, and widespread access to mobile devices

Sales reps are constantly on the move, juggling tasks in a high-stress environment with frequent interruptions that waste 40% and 60% of their time. Long, dedicated stretches for classes aren’t practical or valuable for them. Instead, they benefit from consuming small pieces of information throughout their busy days, keeping them up-to-date while saving time.

This is where microlearning shines. It breaks down content into smaller, digestible units delivered in shorter sessions — perfect for fitting into a sales rep’s hectic schedule.

The rise of microlearning is driven by shorter attention spans, frequent work interruptions, and widespread access to mobile devices, allowing sales professionals to learn whenever and wherever it suits them.

With microlearning, sales reps can study in short bursts without stressing over finding large blocks of time. They can learn during the natural ups and downs of their day, simply by opening their phone when they have a few spare minutes.

While microlearning is becoming popular across industries, it’s especially effective for sales teams. Incorporating microlearning into your training arsenal allows your team to engage with a learning style that fits seamlessly into their busy schedules.

How do you apply microlearning in sales training?

You can implement microlearning with a focused approach to structuring your courses with a learning management system (LMS).

Focus on shorter courses

One easy way to apply microlearning for your sales customers is to use an LMS to create shorter courses. You can structure your courses to be brief, with short videos or similar teaching methods. If you want, you can include smaller exams after your students complete their shortened courses.

This approach doesn’t work in all situations, but it’s a great way to disseminate specific sales knowledge. Micro-courses can be used to remedy any lack of knowledge that is harming the sales team’s performance.

Upload short videos

Short video content will end up being used to teach and reinforce the regular soft skills of the sales trade

Brief videos, or even audio files, are among the best formats for microlearning. Use short videos to impart sales skills, methods, and strategies.

There are many different options you can use to ensure you’re engaging your sales professionals. Try including brief how-to instructional videos. In other cases, interviews with industry experts, product demos, and similar insights may help improve their skills to better serve your customers.

In most cases, short video content will end up being used to teach and reinforce the regular soft skills of the sales trade. Greetings, establishing rapport, qualifying, and objection-handling methods can best be demonstrated in clear videos. Where applicable, you can use real scenarios to highlight the right approaches to use in certain situations.

Video content like this makes useful additional and supporting content for microlearning courses. They quickly and vividly illustrate the points your course is trying to impart.

Use memory aids

Sales work is fast-paced and requires constant adaptation. It’s no wonder it’s so hard to foster talent, regardless of which industry you’re operating in. Memory aids offer quick graphical reminders of the key concepts, methods, and practices your sales reps need to succeed.

Microlearning processes do more for recollection than for any other educational goal. So, think of most of your content as 'memory boosters' and create course content accordingly.

Memory aids are meant to ensure the right knowledge is available at the right time during a busy work day. So, keep your course content short, with a focus on minimal writing and illustrative highlights of key points.

One subtopic at a time

Remember to keep each microlearning course … well, micro!

The approach of microlearning is to compile micro courses for macro benefits. That means each microlearning course should be as focused as possible. Try focusing each course on a specific tactic or method, instead of a grand strategy. Each microlearning course should promote one specific outcome.

For similar reasons, use microlearning to include recent developments and news that can help your sales teams perform better. Mix in the latest product updates, new benefits, and recent industry developments and competitive advantages. Microlearning is an especially powerful tool for ensuring salespeople are up to speed and equipped with the most recent information to communicate with knowledgeable customers.

Start making microlearning content for your sales teams

Easy LMS makes the microlearning format simple. You can apply all the concepts we’ve covered while making short courses with bite-sized learning material. All you need to do is subscribe, set up an Academy, and start focusing on content creation!

Useful resources

  1. E-learning Industry 
  2. Hubspot
  3. Journal of Learning Development
  4. Selling Power 
  5. Neil Patel blog
  6. Forbes
  7. Washington Post
  8. Association for talent development

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is microlearning good for sales training?
    Microlearning methodology leaves a lot of room for adaptation. Sales teams are often busy and their training needs are highly specific. Microlearning courses are easy to work your schedule around and target a specific skillset that a sales professional may need to work on.
  • How to use microlearning for sales
    The easiest way to use microlearning for your sales teams is to use a learning management system (LMS). With an LMS, you can create many short, concise courses with open-ended examination dates. This enables you to assign course material only where it’s needed and let the learner complete it at their own pace.
  • What are the microlearning pros and cons?
    The pros of microlearning are that it is simple and adaptive, making it a good choice for training busy professionals. It gives learners of all kinds the ability to interact with course material in a way that maximizes retention when they are already busy. Microlearning is not appropriate when learners need to absorb in-depth contextual knowledge. Microlearning is not a thorough strategy, but can be built into some components of comprehensive courses.

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Gamechanger or not: is microlearning effective?

Gamechanger or not: is microlearning effective?

Microlearning is the future of learning. This online learning method delivers educational content in small, bite-sized chunks, typically in the form of short videos or...

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